Open to all birth Professionals of the Triad!
The Mission
To bring birth professionals of the Triad together in a sense of unity and knowledge regarding each other’s services and products so that we can better serve our perinatal community. Our meetings are held quarterly and consist of free and personal networking time, presentations and event sharing.
Place and time: A View to Your Health ; 630-8pm
Meeting Outline
The meetings will start with 15 minute free networking followed by each member giving a 60 second presentation- describing their service and who in the community they are looking at connecting with.
One member of the group will then give a 10 minute presentation highlighting their profession, services and marketing strategies. This quarters presenter if Enjonae Anderson of Mended Hearts Counseling.
We will end the meeting with upcoming events and an announcement of the next meeting date, time and place.
Please remember to bring plenty of business cards, your 60 second blurb prepared and an appetite for networking!
Please invite all the birth professionals you know! Happy serving and happy connecting!
If you are a birth professional and would like to be added to the email list please email and join our facebook page.